Echocardiography continues to be an important modality for diagnosing heart disease. Hospitals with 100 or more beds use over 10,000 cart-based, laptop/dockable and hand carried echocardiography units to diagnose and monitor patients.
IMV’s echocardiography products profile installed echocardiography equipment, equipment purchase plans and forecasts, key equipment features and brand loyalty for current providers. The research products listed below report on these topics and customerr satisfaction with service providers for their echocardiography equipment:
IMV’s 2024 Cardiology in Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook Report explores cardiology-related imaging market factors across CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, C-Arm, Mammography, X-Ray and Ultrasound systems. The report examines aspects of market trends, procedure volume, installed base, equipment purchase plans, contrast utilization/budgets, and site operations characteristics. Survey results are projected to the identified universe of cardiology-related […]
The ServiceTrak Imaging report starts with an overview of customer satisfaction between the major manufacturers in the industry. This is followed by individual company analyses, where each manufacturer’s ratings and rankings on over 37 different attributes are trended over the last five semi-annual periods. All ratings for ServiceTrak are collected through personal telephone interviews with […]
The ServiceTrak Imaging report starts with an overview of customer satisfaction between the major manufacturers in the industry. This is followed by individual company analyses, where each manufacturer’s ratings and rankings on over 37 different attributes are trended over the last five semi-annual periods. All ratings for ServiceTrak are collected through personal telephone interviews with […]
Based on interviews with 1,290 locations in the U.S. where echocardiography is performed, the report summarizes data from telephone interviews conducted by IMV from June thru October 2013, with 100+ bed hospitals that perform echocardiography procedures. Included in the report are national trends in features, age and manufacturers of installed equipment, equipment buying plans and brand loyalty.