IMV’s latest Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report estimates 1,029 thousand courses of treatment with radiation were initiated at 2,270 hospital and freestanding sites in the United States in 2016. This is a 12% decrease from the courses of treatment initiated in 2015. The top three cancers treated with radiation at these locations continue to be breast, prostate and lung.
Learn more about radiation therapy treatment trends including capabilities for IGRT, rotational ARC therapy, stereotactic radiotherapy and brachytherapy in the Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report. Market share, age and features of installed radiation therapy units, treatment planning units, simulators and brachytherapy equipment are also provided. Find information about the productivity of radiation therapy staff and their satisfaction with their equipment service providers from one or more of the IMV products listed below.
IMV’s 2023-2024 Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report provides a department-wide view of the key radiation therapy (RT) technologies used in treating cancer patients, including external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), brachytherapy equipment, treatment planning systems, simulators (X-ray, CT, PET, and MRI), and oncology information systems. This report monitors trends over the past decade […]
IMV’s 2024 Cardiology in Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook Report explores cardiology-related imaging market factors across CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, C-Arm, Mammography, X-Ray and Ultrasound systems. The report examines aspects of market trends, procedure volume, installed base, equipment purchase plans, contrast utilization/budgets, and site operations characteristics. Survey results are projected to the identified universe of cardiology-related […]
The ServiceTrak Imaging report starts with an overview of customer satisfaction between the major manufacturers in the industry. This is followed by individual company analyses, where each manufacturer’s ratings and rankings on over 37 different attributes are trended over the last five semi-annual periods. All ratings for ServiceTrak are collected through personal telephone interviews with […]
IMV’s 2023 Oncology in Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook Report explores oncology-related imaging market factors across CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, C-Arm, Mammography, X-Ray and Ultrasound systems. The report examines aspects of market trends, procedure volume, installed base, equipment purchase plans, contrast utilization/budgets, trends, and site operations characteristics. Survey results are projected to the identified universe of […]
IMV’s 2022-2023 Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report provides a department-wide view of the key radiation therapy (RT) technologies used in treating cancer patients, including external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), brachytherapy equipment, treatment planning systems, simulators (X-ray, CT, PET, and MRI), and oncology information systems. This report monitors trends over the past decade […]
The ServiceTrak Imaging report starts with an overview of customer satisfaction between the major manufacturers in the industry. This is followed by individual company analyses, where each manufacturer’s ratings and rankings on over 37 different attributes are trended over the last five semi-annual periods. All ratings for ServiceTrak are collected through personal telephone interviews with […]
IMV’s 2021 Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report provides a department-wide view of the key radiation therapy technologies used in treating cancer patients, including external beam therapy equipment, image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), brachytherapy equipment, treatment planning systems, simulators (X-ray, CT, PET, and MRI), and oncology information systems. This report monitors trends over the past decade in the top […]
Compare your radiation therapy operations to others. Learn how your equipment features, staffing levels, productivity and treatment volumes compare to other radiation therapy providers in the U.S.
The IMV Radiation Therapy Census Database profiles radiation therapy sites in the United States. This new Radiation Therapy Census Database helps suppliers to the radiation therapy market understand the current market and identify new sales opportunities by providing information on courses of treatment, installed equipment, and equipment purchase plans for radiation therapy locations. What each […]
The 2019 ServiceTrak Radiation Oncology report summarizes the results of IMV’s survey of U.S. hospital radiation oncology professionals who perform therapeutic radiation oncology treatments using external beam radiation therapy systems. The survey results from interviews with 334 unique radiation therapy sites representing 511 systems. This report starts with an overview of customer satisfaction between the […]