This operational assessment report on the interventional angiography market is based on interviews conducted from July 2012 through January 2014. It is a summary of aggregate results from interviews with 583 angiography labs in 100+ bed hospitals nationwide. These results are projected to the IMV universe of 1,878 departments with fixed angiography equipment in hospitals with 100+ beds.
Key Features:
- Number of Procedures, Angiography Sites and Units
- Characteristics of the Angiograpy X-ray System Installed Base
- Variation of Angio Procedures per Site, by Hospital Bed Size
- Variation of Procedures per Imaging Unit, by Number of Units Installed
- Angiography Lab Procedure Mix
- Staffing Configurations
- Productivity
- Angio Lab Operations Characteristics
- Angiography Procedures per Thousand Population, by State