Now that CMS has defined the eligibility requirements and billing codes for CT lung cancer screening, providers of CT scanning services are implementing programs to screen for lung cancer using low-dose CT.
If your facility is considering starting a program, IMV’s Guide to LDCT Lung Cancer Screening 2016 is a valuable resource. Based on online discussion sessions with 23 imaging mangers who have implemented or are developing LDCT lung cancer screening programs, this guide will help you learn from their experiences. Included are suggested steps for building a successful program and information to help you set realistic expectations to evaluate program success.
What you will learn:
- The typical monthly CT screening procedures and total procedures to date
- The anticipated growth of low-dose CT lung screening procedures
- The strategic objectives of current programs
- How current providers define success
- Where to focus to build a successful program
- Needs to streamline the workflow from the physician’s order to post scan follow-up
- Recommended steps for 6 key elements of a successful program
- Case studies from four facilities
- Links to key online information resources